Thursday, October 7, 2010

Autumn-y Things

Last Friday we drove to Kimmel Orchard in Nebraska City with the South Omaha Brewers to pick apples for hard cider. There really are few things more "traditional American autumn-y" than picking apples, squishing them, and turning them into alcohol. We had the amazing fortune to be allowed to pick from the Preservation Orchard, an orchard separate from the standard "you pick" orchard chock full of heirloom apples. I can honestly say I've never heard of any of these varieties before. And of course, I can't find the map we were given that lists them all. But trust me, cool names. And delicious, as well. While the rest of our group of homebrewers and families picked apples (30+ bushels worth), I sat with The Buddy in the grass in the shade of a gorgeous tree. We nursed some, watched the kids running around, tasted apples that Doug brought us. I bit off a large piece of an apple that The Buddy happily sucked on for quite some time. All these apples got squished into over 130 gallons of cider later that evening. We brought home seven gallons of it: five for fermenting into hard cider, one for fermenting into apple cider vinegar, and one for drinking. Nom nom nom.

This upcoming Saturday is Omaha's Fluff Again consignment cloth diaper sale and I am SO FREAKING EXCITED. Seriously. Way excited. Having recently added some pocket diapers to our stash of prefolds and covers, I am completely sold. Love love love my Fuzzibunz and BumGenius. Right now I put the pockets on The Buddy mostly while going out and about and while Doug is at home because they're easiest to change. I still use prefolds during the day. But if I had an extra few hundred bucks lying around, which I don't of course, I'd switch to pockets completely. Although I haven't actually tried anything but pockets and prefolds. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons this weekend. Maybe try a fitted or some wool? Mmm wool. Woolies are so cute. Must learn how to knit. And get a job to be able to afford the damn yarn.

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